Wholesale Foreign
Currency Exchange
LuLu Money is a trusted non-banking wholesale foreign & local currency exchange service provider, in Hong Kong.
LuLu Money is a trusted non-banking wholesale foreign & local currency exchange service provider in Hong Kong. The company has ready stock of all major currencies and provides competitive rates across all our branches. LuLu Money has also acquired the capacity to source & deliver all major
currencies on a global scale, maintaining a strong connection with leading airlines & security partners for swift delivery of currencies. We even have a dedicated banknotes team who are well experienced in trading over 40+ currencies. Our Compliance, IT & Financial teams help us to provide a robust and seamless service, as well as round the clock support to our customers.
Bank Notes Office Address: Room 305, 3/F, Hankow Centre, 5-15 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Phone Number : +852 27793001
Email: info@hk.luluexchange.com